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Ukraine’s Kamikaze Drones Hit Deep Inside Russia’s Military and Nuclear Sites

In a bold escalation of hostilities, Ukraine launched a kamikaze drone attack on a crucial Russian airbase that houses nuclear bombers, signaling a significant expansion of its military strategy amid the ongoing conflict.

The Strike’s Target

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The targeted facility, Engels Air Base in Saratov region, is a pivotal location for Russia’s nuclear-capable Tu-160, Tu-95, and Tu-22 aircraft, all of which have been actively deployed in the war against Ukraine.

The Attack’s Impact

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Reports indicate that multiple explosions occurred at the airbase, suggesting a successful hit by Ukrainian drones. This strike marks a significant moment in Ukraine’s aerial offensive capabilities.

Official Responses

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While regional authorities claim that the incoming drones were neutralized without causing damage or casualties, eyewitness accounts suggest otherwise, reporting explosions and emergency response activities at the airbase.

Additional Targets

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Beyond the airbase, accusations have emerged of Ukrainian attempts to strike the Kurchatov nuclear power plant in the Kursk region, raising concerns about the potential risks of targeting such sensitive installations.

Ukraine’s Denial

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Ukraine maintains it would not target nuclear facilities, though the incident underscores the war’s increasingly unpredictable nature and the extensive reach of drone warfare.

The Situation in Belgorod

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Belgorod, another Russian border region, has experienced a series of attacks, contributing to growing alarm and prompting evacuation plans for thousands of children as local authorities scramble to enhance security measures.

Ukraine’s Strategic Shift

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Despite challenges in securing Western weaponry, Ukraine’s development and deployment of indigenously made kamikaze drones have allowed it to target strategic Russian sites, disrupting supply lines and infrastructure deep within Russian territory.

The Kremlin’s Reaction

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Amidst the heightened cross-border tensions, President Putin has floated the idea of creating a buffer zone to mitigate the impact of Ukrainian strikes, highlighting the evolving defensive considerations in response to Ukraine’s assertive strategy.

Russia’s Counteroffensive

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In parallel, Russia has intensified its attacks on Ukrainian regions, launching drones and missiles in a continuous assault that reflects the ongoing escalation of the conflict.

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